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tools & frameworks

I  live in the place that Marty Neumeier calls the dragon pit: the space between what is and what might be. I suppose the same could be said about  the 21st century. 
As a practitioner with fluency in a broad range of tools, group processes, frameworks, and assessments, I’ve been referred to as an “X-shaped” person who facilitates the team to achieve their goals. I've been called a swiss army knife.
Organized loosely by design phase and built on principles from design thinking, archetypes, and sustainability, here’s some of what’s in my wheelhouse.


Benchmarking | Broken Squares | Causes Diagram | Context Canvas | Culture Assessment | Data Analytics | Design Thinking Maturity Assessment | Service Map | Document Review and Research | Five Dynamics | LCA | Learning Loop | Problem Definition | Social Network Assessment | SWOT | Team & Partner Charters | Thomas-Kilman Conflict Mode Instrument | Value Chain Analysis

What is?

Affinity Clusters | Archetypal Lens | Bodystorm | Business Model Canvas  | Collage/Visual Storytelling  | Digital Ethnography Ecosystem Mapping | Empathy Map | Ethnographic Research: interview, observe, shadow, video, journal, immersion, survey, relationship map, empathy switch, etc. | Extreme Users & Five Whys | How might we? | Mindset Shift | Single Word Equity | Personas | POV Want Ad | Service Map/Blueprint Storycubes | Touchpoints Matrix | Use Cases | User Journey Map | Value Proposition Canvas Why/How Laddering | Zoom Storytelling

What if?

Design Sprints | Brainstorming/steering | Concept Poster | Data Modeling | Divergent Connections | False Constraints | Fast Idea Generator | Gameification | I like, I wish, I wonder | Importance / Difficulty Matrix | MVP/MAP Concept | Prototype | Sitemap | Six Thinking Hats | Storyboarding | User stories | User Testing | Visualise the Vote | Why/How Laddering | Wireframing | World Café

What wows?

Business Case | Capabilities Assessment | Communications Plan | RASCI | Data Requirements | Functional Requirements | Innovation Flowchart | KPIs + OKRs | Migration and/or Integration Plan | Release Notes + Planning | Sprint Planning + Review | Technology Requirement | Usability Requirements | User Stories

What works?

Activation Roadmap | Riskiest Assumption | Decision Trees | Pre-mortem Engagement Strategy | ERRC Matrix | Grow & Scale | Iterative Release Plan | Launch Checklist | Solution Pipeline | Relationship-Centred Go-To-Market Timeline | Swimlanes | System Testing | User Acceptance Testing | Knowledge Transfer | Engagement Strategy & Tactics

What lasts?

Blue Ocean Strategy | Cover Story Vision | Data Science Strategy | Evidence Planning | Lean Canvas | Marketing Mix | Operations Matrix | Continuous Learning Culture | Pay it forward (aka Thought Leadership | SCAMPER | Scenario Planning

What changes?
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